Calculating the different packaging levels
Gabriella Hooper Gabriella Hooper

Calculating the different packaging levels

In any comprehensive project involving packaging, understanding the different types of levels of packaging is crucial. Each level serves a distinct purpose, influencing logistics, presentation, and sustainability.

PIQET currently has five different packaging levels.

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A guide to creating your first ISO 14044 report in PIQET
Gabriella Hooper Gabriella Hooper

A guide to creating your first ISO 14044 report in PIQET

PIQET has an integrated ISO 14044 reporting functionality. This feature allows companies to conduct packaging assessments in line with the internationally recognized standard for LCA. This not only simplifies the reporting process but enhances accuracy and credibility for all users, which has become increasingly vital given the global regulatory development.

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What is the Organization Packaging Footprint?
Gabriella Hooper Gabriella Hooper

What is the Organization Packaging Footprint?

PIQET 5.0 promotes organization-wide sustainability goals with its dedicated Organizational Packaging Footprint report.

This section combines PIQET project logs with carbon footprint reporting, enabling organizations to track and monitor scope 3 emissions improvements over time at the organizational level.

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Understanding your functional unit (FU)
Gabriella Hooper Gabriella Hooper

Understanding your functional unit (FU)

In PIQET your default functional unit (FU) is defined as your lowest level of packaging (e.g. sub-retail unit if it exists, if not retail unit if it exists, and so on and so forth).

When you start setting up parameters for your report writing, you may select the functional unit of your choice (E.g. you may express your results per kg of product or per retail unit or per year of sales). The results of the impact assessment are presented per the functional unit defined. This allows for an “apples-to-apples” comparison across scenarios.  

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Data sources in PIQET
Gabriella Hooper Gabriella Hooper

Data sources in PIQET

The data set supporting PIQET is primarily sourced from the ecoinvent database. ecoinvent is generally regarded as the world leading lifecycle inventory database, particularly in terms of transparency, completeness, and consistency. This data is then regionalized, to model theoretical production across 54 different regions. We also re-model end-of-life to allow for more complex, customizable end-of-life pathways allocations and recycled credits. Where possible and/or when requested by PIQET’s current users, we add new materials and technologies periodically. Where life cycle inventory data is not available, the most up-to-date government published statistics are used to enhance the model.

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How do I add a custom material?
Materials Gabriella Hooper Materials Gabriella Hooper

How do I add a custom material?

A custom material can be a made as a composite of materials that already exist in the PIQET database. If the components of the custom material you wish to make are not in the PIQET database, please fill in the data request form to request the data be added.

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