How do I add a custom material?

A custom material can be a made as a composite of materials that already exist in the PIQET database. If the components of the custom material you wish to make are not in the PIQET database, please fill in the data request form to request the data be added.

To add a custom material to PIQET:

  1. From the top menu, under the 'Custom' option, click 'Custom materials’. The custom materials list will open and display a list of existing custom materials.

  2. Click 'add custom material' on the right side of the table. The add new custom material dialog will open.

  3. Enter the different materials that make up your custom material. Click the add button, the '+', to add a new material to the custom material.

Note that the dialog is for 1 kg of custom material so the individual components added must total 1 kg.


Data sources in PIQET