PIQET is presenting at Sustainability in Packaging Asia

Topic: Managing sustainability metrics in a circular economy
Presenter: Tim Grant, Director of Lifecycles
When: 3:05 pm SGT, 7th June 2023


In a circular economy, managing sustainability metrics is crucial. By implementing circular business models, we can minimise waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs and improve our overall environment.

But how do we keep track of those metrics?

Streamlined LCA tools, like PIQET, help businesses measure and analyse the environmental impacts of their products, services and processes. They provide valuable insights into the sustainability performance of a business, enabling it to identify opportunities for improvement and enhance its reputation as a responsible and eco-friendly brand.

That said, measuring sustainability can be quite challenging, especially when deciphering which metric matters most to your company. Is it:

💦 Water scarcity
🌡Climate change
🔄 Circularity
♻ Recycled content
🚫 Plastic free
💲Fair trade

Join Tim Grant in person or online for his presentation at Smithers Sustainability in Packaging Asia where he will unpack this topic using some core insights from PIQET.

Use the code SIPA23_SPEAKER20 to book your ticket with a 20% discount.

We hope you can make it!



How to manage sustainability metrics in a circular economy?


Insights from the 2023 US Sustainability in Packaging Conference